I Tried Indyx Personal Styling (And Here’s What Happened)
Note: Indyx no longer offers the same Style Edit service that Rebecca describes in this article. This service has been replaced by The Lookbook, which we think is an even better styling experience! While some of the details of Rebecca’s experience may change with The Lookbook, all the great outfits and ah-ha style moments would remain.
In the moments before I joined the Google Meet with my stylist, Brianna, I’d changed my outfit five times. Some might argue that stressing about what to wear to a meeting with a stylist defeats the purpose of meeting with a stylist. But the way I see it, it only proved exactly why I needed one in the first place. But nerves are a double edged sword; while on one side I was anxious, on the other I was eager to try out Indyx’s Style Edit service.
The Style Edit is an hour-long session with an experienced Indyx stylist focused around one of a few possible goals: clarifying your style, outfitting from your wardrobe, or adding a few new pieces.
The service is an expression of Indyx’s commitment to present clients with new approaches to fashion that are accessible to more than an elite few. A similar experience with a traditional in-person stylist could cost thousands of dollars, which is simply not on the table for me. My other option to get any kind of style advice is to go shopping and take advice from salespeople who are well-intentioned, but ultimately there to make a sale. The thing is: I don’t actually need more clothes! Being able to connect with an unbiased stylist for an attainable price is key to shifting to a more sustainable industry that helps people buy smarter and unlock the full potential of their wardrobes.
The Prep
While there is no better way of getting to know someone than by looking through their wardrobe, it doesn’t capture what you’re struggling with or what you’re aspiring towards. So, to fill in those gaps I completed a quick survey prior to our session.
It started with my feelings around style, and what types of challenges brought me to the styling session. For me, it was easy to identify that I was challenged with always wearing the same pieces and how I am not sure why I keep so many pieces I rarely use. In short: I was a bit stuck in a rut.
From there the survey starts narrowing the scope of how you want to be styled and your level of existing knowledge: do you want to just be told what to wear, to learn entirely for yourself, or somewhere in between? I chose the middle option.
A really cool thing about working from your own digital wardrobe is that your stylist can see and help you specifically with the items you already own. The survey also had me identify from my wardrobe a few of my favorite clothing items, as well as the items I wear the most and the ones I wish I wore more. This was the first time I realized the items I wear the most are black, which sounds obvious, but didn’t occur to me until it was put right in front of me visually. Picking out what I didn’t wear often felt more stressful, like airing my dirty laundry if you’ll excuse the pun!). These were items I was almost embarrassed of owning and yet couldn’t quite let go of, but it already felt freeing to identify them as such.
When asked an open-ended question about my lifestyle, I identified that because I split my time between two cities I was frequently shifting between a very cold, rainy climate and a very hot one. While I had never put it into words, this has been a big challenge of mine as I feel I have two different styles for the two different climates.
And so, the survey helped clarify - for both myself and my stylist - that my main challenges were:
Splitting my time between two very different climates has resulted in a split wardrobe, and I needed help figuring out how to unify my style regardless of the weather
As a recent grad, I also want to transition my style from college into my independent mid-20s
I often default to black, and want to learn how to wear more color
Feeling comfortable letting go of items that I no longer wear, but hold onto “just in case”
After better understanding my challenges, I was also able to identify my main goal for the session: to help clarify my style.
With that, I was ready to meet with Brianna!
The Session
As you may recall, I was a little nervous about meeting Brianna because baring your entire wardrobe to someone - especially a very stylish someone! - feels vulnerable. But from the moment I connected to our call, Brianna put me at ease. We had a lot in common: we are of a similar age, both live in major metropolitan cities, and both work in fashion. But it was the way she approached me that put me at ease. Fashion can often feel exclusive and pretentious. Brianna was cool yet super approachable.
As we jumped into the six outfits she had already styled for me I was overwhelmed with excitement as I noticed she had styled the items I wore least, and had felt almost embarrassed to have her see. Yet she had styled them in ways that made them feel new and true to my style. After the session, I noticed that each outfit came with a specific note on when to wear it and how to transition the outfit to another occasion.
I loved this outfit because I would never have put on what I consider to be a beach top with my more urban city jeans. But the blazer makes the top more formal and the bag adds color to an otherwise more business look.
This outfit feels very retro red with hints of Taylor Swift, and Brianna couldn’t have nailed my style more. I love the hints of red to the outfit which make it colorful and more fun. I haven’t worn these jeans in a while because they’re skinny jeans which have gone a bit out of style, but with a flowy blouse, the proportions are balanced out and it feels modern.
I like how the ivory toned jacket and bucket hat make an otherwise dark and more nighttime look feel fresh for the daytime or for spending time in the city. It's also perfect if I want a quick switch for a more nighttime look.
We also spoke more generally about my wardrobe and it quickly became clear to me she had a better knowledge of what I owned than I did! She mentioned bags I forgot I had and shoes I still thought I needed to buy.
We identified the key pieces in my wardrobe that are most beneficial to unlocking several new outfits for me, and set up a shopping list of items to consider adding. For example, she pinpointed I was missing straight black jeans and an A-line skirt which would easily go with my more eccentric tops as well as my basic white tee shirts. Additionally, she recommended I purchase black loafers as they transition well between seasons, which is perfect for my frequent traveling. Brianna also advised me on specific stores for each item where I could find quality pieces in my style, introducing me to new brands in the process.
What I found most impressive about Brianna was her ability to react on the spot to my feedback. When she suggested I add a cardigan to my wardrobe, I quickly shut down that idea, knowing very well I don’t like them on my body. Yet, instead of insisting on her point of view, Brianna was ready to provide me with an alternative I had never thought of: a duster coat.
After an in-depth analysis of my wardrobe, I was eager to define my style for this brand new chapter of my life after college. Once again, Brianna surprised me, suggesting I look at my style not as a transformation but an evolution. As a final step in our session, she expertly helped me select three words that best capture where I am heading in this journey: classic, eccentric and strong.
The Aftermath
Oddly enough, our session simultaneously felt as if it had lasted 10 minutes and 6 hours: it flew by, but we covered *so* much ground. She answered all my questions - even the ones I didn’t know I had! - and had set me on a much more clear path to evolving my style.
I was able to take away from the session that:
Having basics doesn’t mean having a basic wardrobe, rather it unlocks your ability to use your wardrobe more fully throughout different seasons
Wanting a more mature wardrobe doesn’t have to mean completely changing my style - I can evolve into it by starting to invest in quality fabrics and giving more attention to polished silhouettes
Accessories are the best way for me to incorporate color, or really anything I am testing out, as, they are a smaller investment and can be styled with many different outfits
I don’t have to clean out every piece I’m not wearing at once. I can start with just one and allow myself to tune into how removing it makes me feel.
While I’m sure that the Indyx Style Edit will go through a few more edits of its own, I can say it is off to a great start.
Note: the Style Edit *has* gone through it’s own edit, and is now offered as The Lookbook. Download the Indyx app for free on iOS or Android to learn more.
Claire shares her experience over on our Instagram
Rebecca is a fashion stylist and writer, recently graduated from the University of California, Berkeley; and currently living in London. She enjoys reading, skiing and having people cook for her.