Thoughtful entries on style, sustainability and the fashion industry; we care about this stuff and think you should too

You Spoke, And Here’s What You Said
Ah, the questions we all ask ourselves constantly: am I normal??? And do I belong here?!?
Rest assured that we wholeheartedly welcome to Indyx anyone who gets dressed (hint: that’s everybody!). But if you’re curious as to the current makeup of our users, this survey showed that you are on average…

Style Workshop Week 9: Source Your Wishlist
In this last week of the course, we will unleash the personal shopper within all of us and learn to source each item on your wishlist. This won’t be a week-long buying spree, but rather a week to set you up to build your wardrobe in the coming months and even years so you don’t end up back where you started.
Style Workshop Week 8: Build Your Wishlist
While just browsing with our imaginary infinite shopping budget *may* do no harm, the trouble starts when “just browsing” turns into clicking checkout without really checking anything out.
This week, let’s close those tabs—at least until you’ve built an intentional wishlist of items that would help unlock more of your wardrobe and even better nail your style.
Style Workshop Week 7: Shop Your Closet
Before we dive back into shopping, let’s give your wardrobe a workout! You might be surprised at how much it has to offer when you put it to the test.

Style Workshop Week 6: Assess Your Assets
We often think of high-end purchases like designer bags as "investments." But to truly move away from disposable fashion, we need to start seeing all of our clothes as investments. Every piece in your wardrobe has value, whether it’s financial, functional, or emotional. And, by shifting your perspective to view your wardrobe as a “portfolio,” you can start making more intentional decisions that maximize the value it provides, however you define that value.
This week, we’re helping you assess your wardrobe like you would your financial assets, carefully considering whether each piece is still the right investment for you.

Style Workshop Week 5: Your Style Words
Visuals are great, but they can sometimes feel…kinda nebulous! When it comes down to making real day-to-day decisions about what pieces to buy or how to put together outfits, for most of us, a Pinterest board just isn’t all that helpful.
So, what's the solution? Many stylists, from Tibi’s Amy Smilovic to TikTok’s Allison Bornstein recommend distilling down your style to just three words. You can count us here at Indyx another member of that club, because that’s exactly what we’ll be doing together this week.

Style Workshop Week 4: Edit Down
This week we edit, “finishing” our work for now on your visual inspiration board, but you should expect to continue the process of adding and editing over time - maybe forever! Style is an evolution, and an inspiration board captures that evolving style so it continues to inspire you. Think of it as buffing your car rather than changing all its parts, after all, we are here to build your authentic style that is - for the most part - timeless.

Style Workshop Week 3: Collect Inspiration
Before we shop and even before we clean out our closets, we need to establish a ‘north star’ to guide what to clean out and what to shop for. That is why we first need to define your style, free from any preconceptions of what we already have or lack in our wardrobes.
Style Workshop Week 2: Laying a New Foundation
Practically, we’re giving you a second week to get your closet indexed. This gives us a moment to breathe and reflect on why we’ve gotten into this situation in the first place: a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear, and more confused than ever about your true personal style.
Style Workshop Week 1: Getting Started
But before embarking on any journey, it is always helpful to get as clear as you can on exactly what you want to achieve. If you don’t know where you want to end up, you’ll end up walking aimlessly, no matter how much guidance anyone gives you.

The False Choice of “Timeless vs. Trendy”
It’s an old debate, but one that seems to have really kicked up a notch on TikTok lately: is it trendy or timeless?

An Open Letter to Creatives: Why a Digital Wardrobe IS For You, Too!
When I talk to folks about the idea of a digital wardrobe, I’ll almost always get one of two responses.
The first type of person immediately gets it and is EXCITED. They are more of an analytical, left-brain thinker by nature and they see right away how a digital wardrobe would scratch their insatiable itch for organization and unlock a treasure trove of personalized data to help optimize their closet. They’re in.
The second comes from someone who typically considers themselves more of a creative. They’re curious…but, that emotion lies underneath a thin layer of distaste. Let’s call it an ick.

How A Digital Wardrobe Changed My Life
This September officially marks 5 years since I started using a digital wardrobe.
As I was reflecting on this milestone, I came to a realization. After managing my wardrobe this way for so long, I struggle to remember what it was even like to get dressed without it!
I figured that was worth pausing on. What are the things that I do on Indyx that have changed my (fashion) life for the better?

Why We’re Launching Indyx Insider
Today, we are introducing Indyx Insider, a membership that gives you exclusive access to premium app features, our private community, and discounts on Indyx services.
Nothing speaks louder about what a company stands for than how it chooses to make its money.
With Insider, we are choosing to stake our bet as a user-supported platform so that we can always prioritize building the best experience that is hyper-focused on what you already own. This wasn't a simple choice, and I want to share why we decided to pave our own path.

How To Take An Outfit Selfie (And Why!)
One of our most-loved features here at Indyx is our selfie calendar. It’s slick, it’s SUPER satisfying…and even more than that, it can help you *really* figure out your personal style.
There’s certainly no wrong way to take an outfit selfie, but we’ve heard from a more than a few of you that it can feel a little…awkward. How should I pose? How do I set up my camera? What should I do with my face!?! It’s hard to make a habit out of something that feels like a chore.
We’re here to help! Here, we’ll share our team’s top tips for how to take an outfit selfie that you won’t hate.

FAQs: Our Styling Services
Your closet (whether IRL or digital) can be a lonely place, so inviting in an expert to share knowledge and show you new possibilities might be just the unlock you need to finally feel creative and empowered in getting dressed.
Let’s answer your most frequently-asked-questions about how our styling services work.

What We’ve Learned From Styling You
Since we launched our digital styling services about a year ago, we’ve had the pleasure of working with nearly 1,000 (!) clients to help curate their closets and develop their style. Here are our takeaways.

When Your Fantasy-Self Steals Your Summer Vacation (And Your Closet)
A lot of shopping is driven by aspirations of your fantasy-self…and, what is more fantasy inducing than imagining yourself totally free of your daily responsibilities, sunning yourself in some exotic location? It’s rare to have an actual occasion where you’ll be doing things completely out of your norm - and, it’s easy to make the quick jump to imagining yourself as a completely different person. Vacation me IS a different me!

I Used These 4 Systems to Figure Out My Personal Style
Since turning 30, I’ve been thinking much more about how I present the many facets of myself to the world. My 20s were spent purchasing clothing I liked. My 30s have been spent answering the question (largely without purchasing) of what I like, on the macro scale. What clothing feels right when I wear it? What are my dressing patterns, both now and over the last few decades?
Answering the larger, existential question of what I like (as opposed to the quick question of what I like, in a department store, on a singular Saturday afternoon) has been one of my life’s chief joys these last few years.

Why Fashion Is So Much More Than Shopping
The fashion industry at large has drilled a lot of untruths into our heads over the years.
You need to keep up with the latest trends or risk looking “outdated”. Or that this next [insert: blazer, dress, pair of jeans, etc] will solve all of your problems.
But I believe the most damaging idea that the fashion industry has forced on us is that the only way for an average person to engage in fashion is by shopping. To take what is, at its core, a creative art that we all have in common and twist it into something we only see as accessible through commerce is such a disservice. It’s late-stage capitalism at its finest.