Thoughtful entries on style, sustainability and the fashion industry; we care about this stuff and think you should too

An Open Letter to Creatives: Why a Digital Wardrobe IS For You, Too!
When I talk to folks about the idea of a digital wardrobe, I’ll almost always get one of two responses.
The first type of person immediately gets it and is EXCITED. They are more of an analytical, left-brain thinker by nature and they see right away how a digital wardrobe would scratch their insatiable itch for organization and unlock a treasure trove of personalized data to help optimize their closet. They’re in.
The second comes from someone who typically considers themselves more of a creative. They’re curious…but, that emotion lies underneath a thin layer of distaste. Let’s call it an ick.

How A Digital Wardrobe Changed My Life
This September officially marks 5 years since I started using a digital wardrobe.
As I was reflecting on this milestone, I came to a realization. After managing my wardrobe this way for so long, I struggle to remember what it was even like to get dressed without it!
I figured that was worth pausing on. What are the things that I do on Indyx that have changed my (fashion) life for the better?

How To Take An Outfit Selfie (And Why!)
One of our most-loved features here at Indyx is our selfie calendar. It’s slick, it’s SUPER satisfying…and even more than that, it can help you *really* figure out your personal style.
There’s certainly no wrong way to take an outfit selfie, but we’ve heard from a more than a few of you that it can feel a little…awkward. How should I pose? How do I set up my camera? What should I do with my face!?! It’s hard to make a habit out of something that feels like a chore.
We’re here to help! Here, we’ll share our team’s top tips for how to take an outfit selfie that you won’t hate.

How to (Really) Spring Clean Your Closet
There's nothing wrong with decluttering your closet in a burst of spring cleaning energy. But there are downsides to decluttering, particularly if it happens because you want your wardrobe to be ready for an Architectural Digest tour in a single afternoon. If you want a better utilized, better-looking closet without the deferred expense of a new wardrobe, consider taking these actions instead.

How To Find Your Personal Style: 8 Ways To Explore Your Taste
After basically making studying my own and other’s closets my full-time job at Indyx, I now know that the discomfort lies in not truly understanding yourself and how you want to express that in clothes. In other words, from not understanding your personal style. You’re following trends or what other people tell you is “timeless”, but neither of which reflects how you really want to feel.
It’s easy to say, and much harder to do: just figure out your personal style!

Our Style Quiz Is Pretty Great (If We Do Say So Ourselves)
I hate to tell you this, but there isn’t a single survey, quiz, or questionnaire out there that is going to be able to hand you the perfect answer to “what’s my style?” in five minutes flat. Style is all about self-reflection - figuring out how to match your outsides to your insides, so to speak. And so, your personal style is something only you can answer with time and lots of practice
But there are some clear steps you can take to start to figure this out. Our style quiz is the last one you’ll ever need to take because it’s just the first step in a whole support system we’ve built to help you figure out your style once-and-for-all.

Calling All Americans: Build Your European Travel Capsule Wardrobe
We’ve all heard that Europeans can be, well - a bit judgy about what Americans wear. But as an Italian born in London, who spends a considerable amount of time each year in Portugal, and has traveled Europe many times over, I am here to help you pack for your trip to Europe so that you feel as confident as you possibly can walking in heels down cobblestone streets.

Get Ready for Takeoff With Your Perfect Travel Capsule Wardrobe
Whether traveling for business or pleasure, by plane or by train, domestic or international, going somewhere new is always a welcome change of scenery. But before we get to the relaxing part, we need to endure the most stressful part of planning a trip: packing for it.
A curated travel capsule wardrobe will make sure you’re ready for everything your trip has in store, no more and no less - and we’ll show you how to do it step-by-step.

9 Revealing Questions to Help You Spot High-Quality Clothing
When shopping for quality, our knee jerk reaction is to associate it with certain brands and not with others: “X brand is high-quality, so you can confidently buy anything from it; Y brand is low-quality, so avoid it at all costs.”
But, does choosing to maintain a closet with high-quality clothes mean never buying from stores like Forever 21 and H&M ever again? Our short answer is…no! Our perspective on the issue is more nuanced that just making blanket statements for brands (spoiler alert: it gets slightly controversial *wink wink*).

Style Icons Are (Basically) Just Committed Outfit Repeaters
Style is a characteristic often viewed as something you either have or don't. And it seems that to have *iconic* style, you need endless creativity, time, and of course, money.
At Indyx, we don't buy that idea. Anyone can have an iconic style, and we'll show you how. Hint: as in many things, consistency is key.

8 Practical Tips To Elevate Any Outfit
While anyone with a basic sense of style can put together a good outfit, a great outfit requires a bit more intentionality. The good news? We’re willing to bet that with just a few simple tips, pulling together those great outfits on your own is easier than you think.

Greenwashing or Genuine? How You Can Suss Out Dubious Brand Claims
What happens when looking sustainable is way easier than actually being sustainable? Greenwashing.
With greenwashing rampant in the fashion industry today, it can be hard to suss out what sustainability claims are genuine versus which are just clever marketing. Read on for our greenwashing red flags to help you evaluate brands for yourself and avoid the industry’s worst offenders.

I Traveled to NYC with a Backpack: An Essentialist Packing Guide
I found out that my mom, an avid runner, would be racing a half marathon in New York and wanted to turn it into a six-day family trip. I started dreaming about it right away. Oh, the food, the views, the outfits!
But, there was a catch. To make the trip happen, we’d be rocking it low-budget style, meaning each family member would get to take nothing but one backpack. One. Backpack.

Scroll Less, Create More: How to Find Cute Spring Outfit Ideas
With spring just around the corner, you might find yourself ready to start ditching your heavy outerwear and exchanging neutral boots for colorful sandals. And, we are here to help you bring those spring outfit ideas to life!
But how, exactly? We love the idea of outfit formulas as a way to break it down and fill in the blanks with your own closet.

What is Cost-Per-Wear and Why Should I Care?
Regardless of how much you spend on clothes, the majority of the items in your closet are likely going unworn. In fact, on average we are only wearing about 20% our closet! That sounds to us like a whole lot of money spent on clothes going to waste - and maybe it’s time to look at the true cost beyond just the price tag.
Whether the problem is that we buy things we don’t need or keep things we don’t like, we believe that the key to getting more value out of your wardrobe might be quite simple: cost-per-wear.

A Digital Wardrobe Is The Only Closet Organization Hack You Need
Housekeeping magazines and TikTok influencers would have you believe a new shelf, better drawers or an improved door hanging organizer are all you need to transform your bedroom into Princess Mia Thermopolis’s royal closet. But this isn’t a round up of all the Ikea or Walmart closet organizers that you need to add to your shopping cart.
This may seem a little radical, but the solution for too much stuff is NOT more stuff.

Why We’re Over One-Size-Fits-All Capsule Wardrobes
While we love the *idea* of the capsule wardrobe, we hate what big fashion has turned it into. If you’re looking for a prescriptive “Capsule Wardrobe Checklist”, I’ll warn you now that you won’t find it in this article. But what you will find is our roadmap on how to build a capsule wardrobe - a flexible, easy wardrobe system - that truly reflects you and your personal style.

Our Cataloging Guidelines (And, How To Do It Beautifully)
Our humble opinion is that your digital wardrobe becomes even more powerful when you choose to share it with others, whether that be inviting in one of our stylists for help or listing on our resale marketplace. And we want to be upfront in letting you know that in order to do this, your main item images will need to align to our basic standard.
It’s nothing fancy, and anyone can do it at home with just a phone camera.
So, what should you make sure you’re doing?

How to Shop Black Friday with Intention
The only way to be thoughtful about what you buy during Black Friday is to give yourself time to think about what you truly want. Which means the time to start thinking is now.

How to Decide What To Keep, Donate, or Sell (And Do It Sustainably!)
While editing down what we own comes naturally to some of us, parting ways with our possessions can be a stressful concept for others. This is especially true when it comes to our clothing , which can be deeply tied to specific memories or our sense of self. How should you decide what to remove from your closet? Is it worth selling or should I just donate?