Thoughtful entries on style, sustainability and the fashion industry; we care about this stuff and think you should too

How to (Really) Spring Clean Your Closet
There's nothing wrong with decluttering your closet in a burst of spring cleaning energy. But there are downsides to decluttering, particularly if it happens because you want your wardrobe to be ready for an Architectural Digest tour in a single afternoon. If you want a better utilized, better-looking closet without the deferred expense of a new wardrobe, consider taking these actions instead.

I Am Begging You to Start Styling Instead of Shopping
“Oh! So Indyx is kinda like Stitch Fix!”
I’ll nod my head and smile, and say “oh yeah, kind of!”. But internally, I cringe. It’s some of the most common feedback I get when I first tell someone about Indyx. And hey, you could very reasonably argue that if this isn’t the reaction I want then I need to change my pitch. Noted.
But I think this reaction also says a lot about where our collective heads are at right now when it comes to how we approach fashion and style - and, where we’re making a big mistake

Gen Z Loves Fast Fashion. So…How Exactly Is That Sustainable?
If there is one thing that gets under my skin it’s the sneaking suspicion that we may be hypocrites. With all the hope put on Gen-Z to save the planet, it’s time we get to the bottom of why we continue to voraciously consume fast fashion in a very, *very* unsustainable way.
Why is the generation that considers nothing off-limits when protesting for climate action also comfortable showing up to that same protest in Shein? How can the most environmentally conscious generation also be the biggest consumers of fast fashion?

Fast Fashion, Explained
In the past, we knew to expect new clothing collections four times a year, one for each season. Nowadays, many fashion brands release up to 52 “micro seasons” a year. That’s one every week! With this unprecedented speed came the term: fast fashion.
But, other than the fact that it is faster than, say, regular fashion, what does it mean exactly? What is fast fashion? And, is it as bad as people say?

Greenwashing or Genuine? How You Can Suss Out Dubious Brand Claims
What happens when looking sustainable is way easier than actually being sustainable? Greenwashing.
With greenwashing rampant in the fashion industry today, it can be hard to suss out what sustainability claims are genuine versus which are just clever marketing. Read on for our greenwashing red flags to help you evaluate brands for yourself and avoid the industry’s worst offenders.

What We All Have Wrong About Sustainable Fashion
Our take: you don’t need to buy a single piece of clothing from one of those “sustainable” brands in order to participate in sustainable fashion. True sustainable fashion is free, and something that everyone can participate in just by shifting your mindset towards your wardrobe.
Let’s unlearn and relearn what sustainable fashion truly is (and, isn’t) - and how exactly you can be a part of it.

The Hidden Harm of After-Christmas Sales
Those After-Christmas “SALE!” emails hit your inbox like clockwork every December 26th, but have you ever wondered why they are such a constant in this ever-changing world?
The answer lies in how the fashion industry is incentivized to habitually and intentionally over-order inventory, especially around the Holidays. These sales may seem like one last Holiday gift, but let’s dig into how they actually perpetuate the negative cycle of overproduction and overconsumption.

Meaningful and Sustainable Gift Ideas for Everyone on Your List
So many Holiday gifts end up feeling meaningless and ultimately unwanted, contributing a huge amount of waste - emotionally for both the gift-giver and recipient, and physically for the planet.
We think there is a way to pull off more sustainable gifting, but the key is shifting the focus from avoiding buying new products to seeking out the opportunity for thoughtful life long memories.

How to Shop Black Friday with Intention
The only way to be thoughtful about what you buy during Black Friday is to give yourself time to think about what you truly want. Which means the time to start thinking is now.

Staying on Trend the Sustainable Fashion Way
If it isn’t the latest trend, it’s the newest aesthetic, fad, or - as of late - “-core”. Living more sustainably and staying on trend can feel like they are forever at odds with each other. But, at Indyx we also believe that fashion *should* be fun - and that there is a way to conscientiously experiment with trends in a way that is mindful of the planet and your wallet, using them as a tool to creatively explore and define your own personal style rather than to simply “keep up”.

How to Decide What To Keep, Donate, or Sell (And Do It Sustainably!)
While editing down what we own comes naturally to some of us, parting ways with our possessions can be a stressful concept for others. This is especially true when it comes to our clothing , which can be deeply tied to specific memories or our sense of self. How should you decide what to remove from your closet? Is it worth selling or should I just donate?

Why Resale Is the Secret to Achieving Your Dream Wardrobe
The industry has been so focused on touting the sustainability benefits of resale, that we’ve collectively missed the most compelling story of all: how it can be an incredible tool in building your dream wardrobe. The wardrobe of highly curated, sumptuous pieces from high-end brands that mix-and-match effortlessly. The wardrobe that you open, and every single item sparks joy. The wardrobe that makes getting dressed in the morning…fun!