Thoughtful entries on style, sustainability and the fashion industry; we care about this stuff and think you should too

How to (Really) Spring Clean Your Closet
Sustainability, Style, How To Amy Schellenbaum Sustainability, Style, How To Amy Schellenbaum

How to (Really) Spring Clean Your Closet

There's nothing wrong with decluttering your closet in a burst of spring cleaning energy. But there are downsides to decluttering, particularly if it happens because you want your wardrobe to be ready for an Architectural Digest tour in a single afternoon. If you want a better utilized, better-looking closet without the deferred expense of a new wardrobe, consider taking these actions instead.

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AI is Supercharging a Broken Fashion Ecosystem
Industry, About Us Yidi Campbell Industry, About Us Yidi Campbell

AI is Supercharging a Broken Fashion Ecosystem

Fashion, the most visible expression of our identity, is also one of the most potent polluters of our planet today. With the rise of artificial intelligence, this already fragile ecosystem is set to undergo a major seismic shift—one that could either revolutionize a more sustainable way to get dressed or supercharge more unnecessary consumption.

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How To Find Your Personal Style: 8 Ways To Explore Your Taste
Style, How To Devon Rule Style, How To Devon Rule

How To Find Your Personal Style: 8 Ways To Explore Your Taste

After basically making studying my own and other’s closets my full-time job at Indyx, I now know that the discomfort lies in not truly understanding yourself and how you want to express that in clothes. In other words, from not understanding your personal style. You’re following trends or what other people tell you is “timeless”, but neither of which reflects how you really want to feel.

It’s easy to say, and much harder to do: just figure out your personal style!

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Open Closet: Therese Jacinto
Style Devon Rule Style Devon Rule

Open Closet: Therese Jacinto

“Lots of people mistake style for stuff. Style really isn't about stuff. It's a manner of thinking and feeling that you know yourself well enough to be confident in your own point of view. It's not really about what you buy, how many things you have, or how expensive those things were. The stuff is just the ingredients! It's so much more about how you put things together. It’s about the critical thinking to understand yourself, understand your true likes and dislikes - and, to have to confidence and curiosity to figure out how to project the real you to the world through clothing.”

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Why You Hate Your Wardrobe
Style Devon Rule Style Devon Rule

Why You Hate Your Wardrobe

There are very few universal experiences in this life. Some would say it’s just death and taxes that we all share. But if I could so bold as to add one more to the list, I would say it’s the experience of walking into your closet full of clothes and still feeling like you have nothing to wear. We’ve all felt it and it is endlessly frustrating.

I’ve got seven reasons as to why you’ve ended up with a wardrobe you hate - and, hopefully a few helpful tips on how to avoid falling into these traps in the future.

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Our Style Quiz Is Pretty Great (If We Do Say So Ourselves)
Style, How To Devon Rule Style, How To Devon Rule

Our Style Quiz Is Pretty Great (If We Do Say So Ourselves)

I hate to tell you this, but there isn’t a single survey, quiz, or questionnaire out there that is going to be able to hand you the perfect answer to “what’s my style?” in five minutes flat. Style is all about self-reflection - figuring out how to match your outsides to your insides, so to speak. And so, your personal style is something only you can answer with time and lots of practice

But there are some clear steps you can take to start to figure this out. Our style quiz is the last one you’ll ever need to take because it’s just the first step in a whole support system we’ve built to help you figure out your style once-and-for-all.

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I Am Begging You to Start Styling Instead of Shopping
Style, Industry, Sustainability Devon Rule Style, Industry, Sustainability Devon Rule

I Am Begging You to Start Styling Instead of Shopping

“Oh! So Indyx is kinda like Stitch Fix!”

I’ll nod my head and smile, and say “oh yeah, kind of!”. But internally, I cringe. It’s some of the most common feedback I get when I first tell someone about Indyx. And hey, you could very reasonably argue that if this isn’t the reaction I want then I need to change my pitch. Noted.

But I think this reaction also says a lot about where our collective heads are at right now when it comes to how we approach fashion and style - and, where we’re making a big mistake

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What We Can All Learn From ‘Girl Math’
Style, Industry Devon Rule Style, Industry Devon Rule

What We Can All Learn From ‘Girl Math’

You may not have heard about “girl math” yet, but I’m willing to bet you’re already doing girl math at least as often as your (male) partner is thinking about the Roman Empire.

Maybe a friend has Venmo’d you for their half of a dinner you put on your credit card and you considered that “free” money. Or, you resisted an impulse purchase and felt like you just “made” the $100 you didn’t spend.

That’s girl math.

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How to Create Hundreds of New Outfit Ideas, All From Your Closet
Style Therese Jacinto Style Therese Jacinto

How to Create Hundreds of New Outfit Ideas, All From Your Closet

You might be surprised to find how every item you own has the potential to be styled and restyled to create many, many completely new looks. Of course, the real trick is finding the right inspiration to do so. A digital wardrobe is an incredible tool to find that inspiration - and to do all the outfit experimentation from the convenience of my phone!

If you’re struggling to come up with new outfit ideas, I’ll share the five ways I use Indyx to figure out how to build a new outfit.

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Style Rules You Should Absolutely Break
Style Devon Rule Style Devon Rule

Style Rules You Should Absolutely Break

Rules *can* be a good thing, creating order or a shorthand way to skip to a desired end result. But you have to have context on who invented them and why. Because style is ultimately completely subjective. There is no clear “right” and “wrong” - only what looks and feels good to you.

The tricky thing is that “style rules” are so often presented as absolute fact. And this just isn’t the case.

Let’s take a quick tour of some of the “style rules” we think you should break. And do it with pleasure.

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Wondering Why You Look Basic? Well, Your Basics Are Too Basic
Style Rebecca Mazzu Style Rebecca Mazzu

Wondering Why You Look Basic? Well, Your Basics Are Too Basic

Here’s what I learned in the process: what’s basic for me, isn’t necessarily basic for you. They’re the foundation of your entire wardrobe — the items you rely on to build outfits that make you feel like yourself. But nobody is “every woman” or an “average” woman, and so your “basics” should actually be the most uniquely ‘you’ items that you own!

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We Shop for Items, But Live Life in Outfits
Style, Industry Devon Rule Style, Industry Devon Rule

We Shop for Items, But Live Life in Outfits

It’s a seemingly unbreakable fashion maxim that the piece you love the most is the one that you’re *about* to add to your closet. It doesn’t even need to be a sparkly, impractical confection for this to be true - in all likelihood, the piece you’re currently coveting is something you think is actually quite practical.

You bring it home, and inevitably it loses its shine almost as soon as the tags come off.

This disconnect you’re feeling? It stems from the simple fact that we all shop for items, but live life in outfits.

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You Don’t Actually Want an AI Stylist (Yet)
Industry, Style, About Us Devon Rule Industry, Style, About Us Devon Rule

You Don’t Actually Want an AI Stylist (Yet)

What only recently felt like a far-away fantasy suddenly felt very real. We all started asking: if ChatGPT is *this* good, why don’t I have an AI-assistant for every area of my life?

It’s clear that AI technology will massively impact our culture and - at some point - force disruption in every industry. But the truth is that AI styling just isn’t there yet. Let me explain why - and, what would allow us to get there in the future.

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Is Color Analysis Worth The Hype?
Style Isa Montanari Style Isa Montanari

Is Color Analysis Worth The Hype?

TikTok made me do it. After the 101st color analysis filter video came across my For You Page, I decided it was time to figure it out for myself. Was it just hype, or did it really explain why a neon-orange tracksuit looked incredible on me but not someone else? Let’s find out.

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Gen Z Loves Fast Fashion. So…How Exactly Is That Sustainable?
Industry, Sustainability Rebecca Mazzu Industry, Sustainability Rebecca Mazzu

Gen Z Loves Fast Fashion. So…How Exactly Is That Sustainable?

If there is one thing that gets under my skin it’s the sneaking suspicion that we may be hypocrites. With all the hope put on Gen-Z to save the planet, it’s time we get to the bottom of why we continue to voraciously consume fast fashion in a very, *very* unsustainable way.

Why is the generation that considers nothing off-limits when protesting for climate action also comfortable showing up to that same protest in Shein? How can the most environmentally conscious generation also be the biggest consumers of fast fashion?

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Calling All Americans: Build Your European Travel Capsule Wardrobe
Style, How To Rebecca Mazzu Style, How To Rebecca Mazzu

Calling All Americans: Build Your European Travel Capsule Wardrobe

We’ve all heard that Europeans can be, well - a bit judgy about what Americans wear. But as an Italian born in London, who spends a considerable amount of time each year in Portugal, and has traveled Europe many times over, I am here to help you pack for your trip to Europe so that you feel as confident as you possibly can walking in heels down cobblestone streets.

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What’s With The Three Word Method Obsession?
Style Devon Rule Style Devon Rule

What’s With The Three Word Method Obsession?

I suddenly found myself *desperate * to figure out my own three words, convinced that THIS would finally be the one key to unlocking my true personal style. If you’re feeling the same way, let’s take a look at how a few different style experts have approached the problem and our take on the pros & cons of each.

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Fast Fashion, Explained
Sustainability, Industry Isa Montanari Sustainability, Industry Isa Montanari

Fast Fashion, Explained

In the past, we knew to expect new clothing collections four times a year, one for each season. Nowadays, many fashion brands release up to 52 “micro seasons” a year. That’s one every week! With this unprecedented speed came the term: fast fashion.

But, other than the fact that it is faster than, say, regular fashion, what does it mean exactly? What is fast fashion? And, is it as bad as people say?

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Get Ready for Takeoff With Your Perfect Travel Capsule Wardrobe
How To Rebecca Mazzu How To Rebecca Mazzu

Get Ready for Takeoff With Your Perfect Travel Capsule Wardrobe

Whether traveling for business or pleasure, by plane or by train, domestic or international, going somewhere new is always a welcome change of scenery. But before we get to the relaxing part, we need to endure the most stressful part of planning a trip: packing for it.

A curated travel capsule wardrobe will make sure you’re ready for everything your trip has in store, no more and no less - and we’ll show you how to do it step-by-step.

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