Thoughtful entries on style, sustainability and the fashion industry; we care about this stuff and think you should too

What We’ve Learned From Styling You
Since we launched our digital styling services about a year ago, we’ve had the pleasure of working with nearly 1,000 (!) clients to help curate their closets and develop their style. Here are our takeaways.

I Used These 4 Systems to Figure Out My Personal Style
Since turning 30, I’ve been thinking much more about how I present the many facets of myself to the world. My 20s were spent purchasing clothing I liked. My 30s have been spent answering the question (largely without purchasing) of what I like, on the macro scale. What clothing feels right when I wear it? What are my dressing patterns, both now and over the last few decades?
Answering the larger, existential question of what I like (as opposed to the quick question of what I like, in a department store, on a singular Saturday afternoon) has been one of my life’s chief joys these last few years.

I Am Begging You to Start Styling Instead of Shopping
“Oh! So Indyx is kinda like Stitch Fix!”
I’ll nod my head and smile, and say “oh yeah, kind of!”. But internally, I cringe. It’s some of the most common feedback I get when I first tell someone about Indyx. And hey, you could very reasonably argue that if this isn’t the reaction I want then I need to change my pitch. Noted.
But I think this reaction also says a lot about where our collective heads are at right now when it comes to how we approach fashion and style - and, where we’re making a big mistake

9 Revealing Questions to Help You Spot High-Quality Clothing
When shopping for quality, our knee jerk reaction is to associate it with certain brands and not with others: “X brand is high-quality, so you can confidently buy anything from it; Y brand is low-quality, so avoid it at all costs.”
But, does choosing to maintain a closet with high-quality clothes mean never buying from stores like Forever 21 and H&M ever again? Our short answer is…no! Our perspective on the issue is more nuanced that just making blanket statements for brands (spoiler alert: it gets slightly controversial *wink wink*).

Greenwashing or Genuine? How You Can Suss Out Dubious Brand Claims
What happens when looking sustainable is way easier than actually being sustainable? Greenwashing.
With greenwashing rampant in the fashion industry today, it can be hard to suss out what sustainability claims are genuine versus which are just clever marketing. Read on for our greenwashing red flags to help you evaluate brands for yourself and avoid the industry’s worst offenders.

Why We’re Over One-Size-Fits-All Capsule Wardrobes
While we love the *idea* of the capsule wardrobe, we hate what big fashion has turned it into. If you’re looking for a prescriptive “Capsule Wardrobe Checklist”, I’ll warn you now that you won’t find it in this article. But what you will find is our roadmap on how to build a capsule wardrobe - a flexible, easy wardrobe system - that truly reflects you and your personal style.

Staying on Trend the Sustainable Fashion Way
If it isn’t the latest trend, it’s the newest aesthetic, fad, or - as of late - “-core”. Living more sustainably and staying on trend can feel like they are forever at odds with each other. But, at Indyx we also believe that fashion *should* be fun - and that there is a way to conscientiously experiment with trends in a way that is mindful of the planet and your wallet, using them as a tool to creatively explore and define your own personal style rather than to simply “keep up”.

How to Decide What To Keep, Donate, or Sell (And Do It Sustainably!)
While editing down what we own comes naturally to some of us, parting ways with our possessions can be a stressful concept for others. This is especially true when it comes to our clothing , which can be deeply tied to specific memories or our sense of self. How should you decide what to remove from your closet? Is it worth selling or should I just donate?

Why Resale Is the Secret to Achieving Your Dream Wardrobe
The industry has been so focused on touting the sustainability benefits of resale, that we’ve collectively missed the most compelling story of all: how it can be an incredible tool in building your dream wardrobe. The wardrobe of highly curated, sumptuous pieces from high-end brands that mix-and-match effortlessly. The wardrobe that you open, and every single item sparks joy. The wardrobe that makes getting dressed in the morning…fun!